Friday 1 January 2021

A Faerie Merry Christmas


For Robyn

It was almost Christmas in the village of Glendale, snow was falling and getting quite deep. Icicles hung from the tiny houses and the children were out with their boots, scarves, hats and gloves. Excited to see the snow, they started to make large snowballs, these would eventually become snowmen and snow ladies. It was evening the light was dull, glow from the street and houses assisted the children so they could play outside longer. Winter has its beauty and its dark days, this did not stop the children they laughed and called with delight for more snow, some called for others to collect coal or stones for the eyes and buttons, others called for carrots for the nose, while the rest rushed around to collect hats and scarves to keep the snow people warm.

Deep in the forest that surrounded Glendale the Faerie people lived, their tiny houses stood along the tiny stream that led to the joining of the river Elder, that flowed through the village leading the magestic waterfalls.
Rory and Darcy the faerie children raced through the forest, fluttering as they went. The falling snow touched gently on their wings making them gleam and glitter. They could hear the rumble and horses hoofs thud along the snow covered forest floor. It was the Christmas coach racing towards the village, it carried letters parcels and distant families who would be gathering this Christmas.
Rory and Darcy flew on their wings to race alongside the coach, the driver was too keen to get to the village he didn't notice them, Rory and Darcy landed on the back of the horses to enjoy the fun of the ride.

Just before the coach reached the village the two little faeries jumped off of the horses backs and flew back to the forest. Watching the coach head off into the distance.
Darcy had remembered they needed to light the stars on the forest trees to welcome in Father Christmas in a few days time. With that they flew off as fast as they could to light the fir trees, that stood tall in a small clearing of the forest.

One by one they lit the stars with their magic dust on the tops of the trees, the snow was falling heavier now and it started to cover the branches. It was a winter wonderland in the faerie wood. Rory and Darcy were tired so turned from the trees towards their homes, until the next day.

It was still snowing when the sun started to rise the following morning. Deep in the forest the fox family has gathered trying to warm themselves from the little heat that the sun was giving. Both were hungry but didn't want to leave the feeling of warmth so they sat there a little longer. Both looked around each other both were thinking of Father Christmas who would be arriving the next night, it was one more sleep until Christmas eve. Both loved Father Christmas he would always bring them cookies and milk with him, some would be from the houses he has visited for he could not eat them all and wanted to share with his furry friends. Father Christmas thought of everyone even the tiny creatures within the woods, as well as pets.

Darcy awoke early the next morning for it was Christmas eve, she was looking forward to seeing Father Christmas helping him with all the delivering of presents to the village. She stepped out into the snow with her mouse Clara both headed towards Rorys house. A surprise awaited them, for his house was covered in frost and a dusting of snow, she could see tiny foot steps leading from the door. Darcy went up the icy path and tapped on the tiny door. There was no answer she tapped again but still no answer. Oh she thought Rory must have gone to check the stars on the fir trees. With that she turned around and made her way with Clara to the woods.
Darcy followed the tiny foot steps but they led past the fir trees that were still shining bright, the foot steps were heading towards the village.

Darcy and Clara had walked what felt like forever in the deep snow, eventually they came towards a path slightly clearing from the warmth of the Sun. Another fox family were sitting in the warmth of the Sun, all who lived in the forest were trying to keep warm. As she passed them she greeted them with "Good morning!" The foxes made a gruntled sound and nodded to Darcy. 

Darcy and Clara continued once again on their journey, they could see the bridge to the village just ahead. Upon the bridge Darcy could see Rory and Mr Hare looking at the lovely decorated house that stood from the bridge. She dashed to meet up with Rory.
Rory explained to Darcy that everyone in the village had become ill over night, Mr Hare had asked for Rorys help, but he had discovered that he needed much more help. We need to gather all the other fairies and creatures within the woods to help Rory told Darcy, Clara and Mr Hare. 

All four of them made their way back to the woods where they all lived. The word soon got around why the two fairies and Mr Hare wanted everyones help. Father Christmas would be arriving this very night, they couldn't let him get ill, who would be able to deliver presents all around the world. So everyone decided it would be down to the fairies to take the presents and deliver them to all the children in Glendale Village.

To be continued


  1. I just found your blog. I also just found out about Lavinia stamps a couple months ago and have already purchased a bunch. Your makes are really beautiful and enchanting! I love this story. <3 Thank you for sharing your art!

    1. Thank you for the comment I hope you enjoy the stamps as much as I do
