Wednesday 29 April 2020

Dedication reach out with Lavinia

Dedicated Scenes and Cards
(Reach out with Lavinia)

Anyone who knows me well will tell you I am hooked on creating art scenes using the wonderful Lavinia stamps. Beautiful Faeries, Mystical beings as well as stunning floral, nature and sweet creatures. During these uncertain times, the Lavinia team set up a group to create scenes and to dedicate them to all those working within the NHS as Key workers, Carers & all of the workforce's keeping the country going. I was up for it, sort of got me into a better frame of mind to be honest. My first scene I wanted to dedicate to those totally on the frontline, those caring and putting their own lives at risk to help someone in their hour of need.

Dedicated to all Nurses & Doctors 

I have always thought this faerie reminded me of a lady with the lamp and of course Florence Nightingale came to mind. I needed to keep the colour to blues and white, the Hares resemble those infected and coping with the disese. Our faerie is doing her magic to help them to recover. The moon represents working day and night.

I hope to get this framed when the lockdown is lifted so I can get out and buy some frames. It has not been easy being locked in when we have been so free to come and go as we please. Now it is a risk to leave the house to get medical requests and food. But I try to keep positive rather than negative all I can say is thank the lord I have my crafting.

My next scene was dedicated to my work colleagues working in the community caring for the elderly and those most vulnerable. Due to my health I have had to take strict social distancing. I miss my work friends we are or were a great team, at times dealing with the most vulnerable people I have ever worked with. I miss them all at the moment, I think we are all looking forward to the day we can return to some normality.

Dedicated to all Community Care Workers
(May your Path be a safe one)

I feel this scene speaks for itself and is visually descriptive. I look forward to the day we can all be working laughing and joking together.

Stay Safe Keep Well

Holly Molly

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